Base-x sign up log

Base-x is a game at recess if you would like to join sit at the franklin table or go to the orange play structure.You will be enrolled in high quality training depending on how well your training you will get a Base-x ranking of solder, 3rd in command or second in command.Your house will also be your personal Base-x H.Q.



Hi I am Lex!Today I learned about fractions.I learned about sixths and eighths.We used fractions circles.We also did journal page 154.I really like fractions.I also made a fractions poster.Here is one of the fractions we wrote 1/8.

base-x info log

Hi I am second chief Lex from base-x, base-2.0, base-250, base-18 and base-450. To join the five bases sit at the franklin table.we are always open for new members.We also offer training through out recess.You will have acess to police cars.You may also be in base-x secret team! Being part of the five bases means you can make new friends and much much more!                                                                                                                          
